StarGirl Book Versus Movie
Hello everybody, I wanted to do something a little different on my blog and I hope you guys enjoy it. This is going to be a Book Versus Movie, for the new movie that came out on Disney Plus, StarGirl. The book is titled Love, StarGirl by Jerry Spinelli and it is written in letters by Stargirl to Leo from the main character StarGirl.
The movie follows Leo,while the book follows Stargirl. Both the book and the movie uses two different ways to characterize the characters, because in the movie Stargirl was this perfect person. Leo in the movie was so nervous and shy especially when it comes to talking to Stargirl. The romance and friendships were a big part in the movie, which was a little bit different than the book.
In the book Stargirl was shown as always being sad and upset with moving out of Arizona and away from Leo. In Love, Stargirl the readers do not get Leo’s point of view, so we do not really get to see a lot of his personality. You can also see that Stargirl has changed a lot since she moved away from Leo, as she doesn’t have many friends in her new school.
Sorry that this was such a short post, but I haven’t had a lot of time lately, since I’ve been trying to get used to distance learning. I hope this analysis wasn’t too bad and I hoped you enjoyed it. It was also really short because I did not want to spoil either one, the movie or the book. Hopefully everyone is doing well!